
The MiBreaker application options can be accessed via the tray icon.


The tray icon is usually found in the bottom right corner of the screen in Windows.

MiBreaker tray icon on Microsoft Windows.

The tray icon is usually found in the top right corner of the screen on a Mac.

MiBreaker tray icon on Apple macOS.
Choosing exercises

The application allows you to choose which stretches you want to see in the periodic reminders. To inactivate a stretch, simply uncheck the picture corresponding to the stretch that you do not want to see. A red border and cross signifies that the stretch is inactive.

MiBreaker interface for customizing which stretch exercises to see.

By default, the application will give you a notification every 45 minutes. This can be customized to your liking by selecting a different interval in the dropdown menu.

MiBreaker interface for choosing notification interval.
Activating license

After purchasing a license it needs to be activated in the MiBreaker application. Activation is easy. Open the application options through the tray menu as shown above. Go to the License tab, enter your license key and click activate. Verification may take a few seconds.

MiBreaker interface for activating license.

Clicking on an exercise notification will open up a new window with more detailed instructions on how to perform the exercise.

MiBreaker detailed instruction for lower side stretch exercise.